Welcome to The Greatwall Post!
You are always a good friend, if you
like to be a member of us, the Great Wall Post club, since we
all share the same love and passion to the Great Wall, the nature
and life.
We are named of "THE GREATWALL",
as each member of us is being in deep love with the wonder which
have been lasted for thousands of years. We do our efforts to
know the Great Wall, to understand it and to take care of it,
by which we enjoy our life more. We wish to have more and more
friends who will share the similar feelings and senses. Maybe
that is YOU, our friend, we together do our utter most to help
the wonder of the Great Wall not only for China, but for the whole
world, not only for our generations, but for our descendents.
(Written by Melissa Chang, Photograph : Buting) |