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Official Name:大水沟2号题刻
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Period:明代 / Ming Dynasty 1368~1644
Location: 宁夏回族自治区,石嘴山市,平罗县,崇岗镇暖泉村西约5.6千米大水沟内(GPS0123点) / NingXiaHuiZuZiZhiQu,ShiZuiShanShi,PingLuoXian,ChongGangZhenNuanQuanCunXiYue56QianMiDaShuiGouNei(GPS0123Dian)
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Type:刻石 Stone inscriptions
Protection Level:  
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National ID:640221354110170002
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大水沟2号题刻     Caption:大水沟2号题刻
Photo Contributor:宁夏回族自治区文物局
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