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Official Name:ËñÂá¹µ±¤
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Period:Ã÷ / Ming Dynasty 1368~1644
Location: ¸ÊËàÊ¡,À¼ÖÝÊÐ,ÆßÀïºÓÇø,Î÷¹ûÔ°Õò±¤×Ó´åËñÂá¹µºÓ¹µ¶«ÃæµĄ̈µØÉÏ / GanSuSheng,LanZhouShi,QiLiHeQu,XiGuoYuanZhenBaoZiCunSunLuoGouHeGouDongMianDeTaiDiShang
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Details:³¤³ÇÀà±ð£º¹Ø±¤ ¾­Î³¸ß¶È£º¶«¾­£º103¡ã 44¡ä ±±Î³£º35¡ã 57¡ä º£°Î£º1976 ×ÜÌåÇé¿ö£º±¤Ç½Îª¾ÍµØÈ¡ÍÁ»ÆÍÁº»Öþ¶ø³É£¬²Ð´æ±¤Ç½µ×²¿¿í1.2Ã×£¬¶¥²¿¿í0.3Ã×-0.5Ã×£¬¸ß4Ã×-4.5Ãס ¸½½üÒŴ棺ÎÞ¡£
Type:±¤ Fort
Protection Level:¡¡
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Distribution:visit location in Tianditu Map[recommend]
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National ID:620103353102170001
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Picture: Click the thumbnail to view the Big Pic. Click the Big Pic to Hide the Big Pic
ËñÂá¹µ±¤     Caption:ËñÂá¹µ±¤
Photo Time:2008-08-09 15:29:16
Photo Contributor:¸ÊËàÊ¡ÎÄÎï¾Ö
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ËñÂá¹µ±¤     Caption:ËñÂá¹µ±¤
Photo Time:2008-08-09 15:50:58
Photo Contributor:¸ÊËàÊ¡ÎÄÎï¾Ö
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ËñÂá¹µ±¤     Caption:ËñÂá¹µ±¤
Photo Time:2008-08-09 15:55:55
Photo Contributor:¸ÊËàÊ¡ÎÄÎï¾Ö
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ËñÂá¹µ±¤     Caption:ËñÂá¹µ±¤
Photo Time:2008-08-09 15:57:39
Photo Contributor:¸ÊËàÊ¡ÎÄÎï¾Ö
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ËñÂá¹µ±¤     Caption:ËñÂá¹µ±¤
Photo Time:2008-08-09 16:10:21
Photo Contributor:¸ÊËàÊ¡ÎÄÎï¾Ö
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