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Official Name:新广武北关
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Our Name:北关 / BeiGuan
Other Name: /
Period:明 / Ming Dynasty 1368~1644
Location: 山西省,朔州市,山阴县,张家庄乡新广武村南 / ShanXiSheng,ShuoZhouShi,ShanYinXian,ZhangJiaZhuangXiangXinGuangWuCunNan
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Details:长城类别:关堡 经纬高度:东经:112° 47′ 北纬:39° 12′ 海拔:1227 总体情况:新广武城遗址北侧,依新广武2段长城段墙体有北关城遗址。平面呈长方形,南北150米,东西130米,东墙残长130米,西墙残长140米,南墙残长95米,北墙即为长城墙体,长130米。墙体形制同新广武关城墙体一致,北关城门在南墙正中,砖券顶,拱内侧高约4.5米,外侧高2.8米,门道内侧宽3米,外侧宽2.5米,进深10米,包砖和基石尚存。 附近遗存:新广武北关位于新广武南内长城北、新广武2段长城南,南距新广武关40米。
Type:关 Pass
Protection Level:省保  
Other Records:
Distribution:visit location in Tianditu Map[recommend]
Distribution:visit location in Tencent QQ Map
Distribution:visit location in Google Map
Distribution:visit location in Baidu Map
National ID:140621353101170008
The original number submitted by the local government :140621353101170004
(when the Great Wall is identified, the data whose code has been adjusted will display the original number submitted by the local government before revision, which can be used by the local cultural relics department when checking the local data.)
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