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Official Name:西小井长城1段
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Period:西夏 / Song Dynasty 960~1279
Location: 内蒙古自治区,呼和浩特市,武川县,起点:武川县二份子乡讨号兔村委会西小井村南3.3千米止点:武川县二份子乡讨号兔村委会西小井村西南1.2千米 / NeiMengGuZiZhiQu,HuHeHaoTeShi,WuChuanXian,QiDianWuChuanXianErFenZiXiangTaoHaoTuCunWeiHuiXiXiaoJingCunNan33QianMiZhiDianWuChuanXianErFenZiXiangTaoHaoTuCunWeiHuiXiXiaoJingCunXiNan12QianMi
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Details:长城类别:墙体 起点经纬高度:东经:110° 45′ 北纬:41° 13′ 海拔:1848 终点经纬高度:东经:110° 45′ 北纬:41° 15′ 海拔:1812 墙体走向:大体呈东南-西北走向。 墙体类别:土墙 结构特点及构筑方式:不详。基础不详,墙体残高0-0.4米,宽0-5米。 现状:土墙。墙体长3553米,保存差。部分墙体在山谷耕地中,或在耕地的边缘道路上绕过山头向北延伸。
Type:土墙 Rammed earth wall
Protection Level:无  
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Distribution:visit location in Tianditu Map[recommend]
Distribution:visit location in Tencent QQ Map
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Distribution:visit location in Baidu Map
National ID:150125382101130020
The original number submitted by the local government :150125382101040020
(when the Great Wall is identified, the data whose code has been adjusted will display the original number submitted by the local government before revision, which can be used by the local cultural relics department when checking the local data.)
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