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Official Name:陈家庄长城第1段
Our Name:承德县长城墙体第3段 / ChengDeXianChangChengQiangTiDi3Duan
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Period:北齐 / Northern Qi 550~577
Location: 河北省,承德市,承德县,起点:陈家庄村北侧1千米止点:陈家庄村北侧1千米 / HeBeiSheng,ChengDeShi,ChengDeXian,QiDianChenJiaZhuangCunBeiCe1QianMiZhiDianChenJiaZhuangCunBeiCe1QianMi
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Details:长城类别:墙体 起点经纬高度:东经:117° 36′ 北纬:40° 38′ 海拔:999 终点经纬高度:东经:117° 35′ 北纬:40° 37′ 海拔:1193 墙体走向: 墙体类别:石墙 结构特点及构筑方式:毛石垒砌。 现状:石墙该段石长城起自刘丈子乡陈家庄村北1千米,走向为东-西。大部分墙体仅存痕迹,呈土石垄,个别地段可见零星碎毛石甃石,且被小型灌木掩盖。 墙体保存差。拐1点,外侧坍塌。内侧高0.80米,宽2.50米, 拐2点向西墙体保存较好一段,存长3.20米。北侧坍塌,南侧甃石高3.20米。 墙好点,外墙保存原貌。内侧坍塌,顶宽2.90米,外高2.80米~3.20米,内侧较完整处高2.10米。保存较好墙体约70%。
Type:石墙 Stone wall
Protection Level:无  
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Distribution:visit location in Tianditu Map[recommend]
Distribution:visit location in Tencent QQ Map
Distribution:visit location in Google Map
Distribution:visit location in Baidu Map
National ID:130821382102090003
The original number submitted by the local government :130821382102110003
(when the Great Wall is identified, the data whose code has been adjusted will display the original number submitted by the local government before revision, which can be used by the local cultural relics department when checking the local data.)
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