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Official Name:康庄堡
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Period:时代不明 / Not Confirm
Location: 河北省,张家口市,赤城县,位于康庄东约1千米,南邻353省道 / HeBeiSheng,ZhangJiaKouShi,ChiChengXian,WeiYuKangZhuangDongYue1QianMiNanLin353ShengDao
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Details:长城类别:关堡 经纬高度:东经:° ′ 北纬:° ′ 海拔: 总体情况:北栅子村位于龙关镇驻地西北,地处山间谷地。城堡被现代村庄占据,原有历史风貌已在村民日常生产生活中遭受严重破坏,历史建筑不存,平面格局不清。现仅存西北角部分夯土堡墙,其它设施无存。周长、面积不清。 西北角:坐标:北纬40°50′57.5″,东经115°30′20.7″,高程:1281米。 城墙,东西残长17米,南北存长16.7米。高3.7米,黄土夯筑,夯层厚0.10米~0.15米。 相关遗迹:无 附近遗存:
Type:堡 Fort
Protection Level:无  
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Distribution:visit location in Tencent QQ Map
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National ID:130732353102190001
The original number submitted by the local government :130732353102170001a
(when the Great Wall is identified, the data whose code has been adjusted will display the original number submitted by the local government before revision, which can be used by the local cultural relics department when checking the local data.)
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